Thursday, July 21, 2016

Book Review Scale


So I’ve devised a rating scale for the books I’m going to be reviewing, here it is:

1-5, one being the worst and five being the best.

Image result for books

Meanings of each rating number:

1: If a book gets a one, it’s totally not readable. Pick it up in your hand and you will just immediately burst into flames, its that bad. There is no hope for this book, none at all. The author should have really though twice before putting it out there. I swear on my life that this book needs some help, get it some CPR or medical attention.  (SIDE NOTE: I usually never feel this way about any books, just for the record.)

2: This book has potential buts it’s totally missing huge chunks of information, character pot holes are present, or it just doesn’t make sense. Sure I can see the story behind it, and think that it can become more, but to be totally honest, it needs some work. Maybe a revision is in order? Or a two can also mean that it just wasn’t grabbing enough, it didn’t spike my attention.

3: This book is good, and well written. When reading the description, I smile, and when reading the text I grin. Sometimes if I’m lucky, I can laugh a little too. It had well developed and relate-able  characters that create a sense of mystery that grabs at your heart.

4: This book isn’t just good, it's great. It deserves a gold star, a medal. If it ran a race, it would at least come in second, if not first. It has all of what rating number three contains but more detailed and eye grabbing, plus an amazing cover. This book made me want to throw things and laugh and cry. It was the supreme master of my day.

5: If a book gets this rating, you better take it seriously. When just looking at this book, the fat lady sings, pigs start to fly everywhere and your face is in a permanent jaw breaking smile. The sky opens up and angels sing, it is that spectacular! You’ll probably only read books like this a good dozen times in your life. And it will leave you speechless for several days, maybe even a week. You won’t touch another book for that period of time just because you can’t bare to let this one go. This book is the one, it is a lost love, the words fading into your ever present memory.

Any questions? Comment below! 


Kaylin P 

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Hello, My name is Kaylin Peyerk and I've started this blog called Literary Dream.  I'm writing this post to welcome anyon...