Thursday, April 30, 2020

New Series Information: Illusions Academy & A Never Before Seen Excerpt


Thanks for stopping by. Are you a lover of magic? If so, I'd like to let you in on some information about my next upcoming series, set to rapid release this summer starting June 1st, 2020.

Welcome to Illusions Academy where the males are sexy, the magic is unpredictable, and nothing is as it seems.

My name is Elise, and I'm about to enroll in my first year at Illusions Academy, the most prestigious school in the country for mages like me. I've known all about magic from a young age thanks to my parents, who are a part of the mage grand council, the governing body for all magic dealings. Because of that everyone expects me to be one of the greatest mages of all time, but I have a secret.

My magic is weak at best and refuses to answer my call at worst. I'm hoping that the teachers at the academy can pull it out of me, but someone else does instead: my childhood rival, Demetri. He's one year ahead of me, and whenever he touches me an explosion of magical power is left in his wake. So much power that I'm baffled it even came out of me. How can he of all people be the only one to help me? And how do I convince him to?

On top of that, mages begin dying of a mysterious magical poison, and no one knows where it came from. The only thing that's clear is that it won't stop anytime soon. Can I harness my magic, stop a murderer, and keep Demetri at arms lengths all while keeping a decent grade point average?

Never before seen excerpt: 

"His fingers slide along my biceps, and I step back, the feeling of his power seeping into me churning my stomach. If there’s one person I don’t ever want to take advantage of, it’s Demetri. He’s the person trying to help me through this is however he can, so I have to be honest with him. I wrap my arms around my waist, hugging myself for comfort. 
“Ever since my power awakened when I touched you on orientation day, it’s grown further and further beyond my control. Whenever I see another person use magic, my mouth waters, and I have this uncontrollable urge to take it. It’s like I’m starving, Demetri, you know?” I say, and somehow I had moved, trapping him against the wall of lockers. 
My forearms rest on either side of his head, and my hands hover just above his face, shaking. He’s not much taller than me, maybe only one or two inches, so his eyes look directly into mine, suddenly a stormy ocean blue. Is the change evidence of his desire? Or something else? Fear, perhaps? I’d be afraid if I were him, I’m not acting like myself. I don’t usually trap people against a wall of lockers while talking about how hungry my magical well is. Our lips hover closer, millimeters apart, so close that I can feel his breath. Just one more slight movement and we’d be kissing, and I’d be feeding. I want to stop, but it’s like I’m strapped into the back seat of my own body, simply watching. 
“And I think I’ve been starving for my entire life, somehow not allowing myself to fill up on magic like I was supposed to. And now I can’t seem to stop myself, it’s a compulsion,” I pause, trailing two fingers down his face as golden magic begins to shine, blinding me. “And you taste so good Demetri. Like I’m eating my favorite meal, so if you wouldn’t mind, I’d love a taste.” 
He visibly swallows, closing his eyes. “While I’m certainly flattered by your confession of how tasty I am, I’d prefer it if you didn’t eat me.” 
My fingers begin exploring the planes of his face, trailing lightly, but somehow I don’t feed. I give him a little bit of my own reserve, the dredges of what I have left from earlier. A tiny sigh escapes him at my touch, and I press my body further into his, relishing the feeling of his hard muscles. But there’s clothing there, and I need skin to drink from him. To feed on him. 
I laugh, but it’s a low sultry sound. “Don’t worry, you’ll replenish the magic. I take nothing vital from you, but you might feel tired or weak for a few hours.” 
His eyes open to slits, and he appears dazed, his cheeks flushed with desire. “Do you really need this?” He whispers. 
Yes,” I breathe. 
He bites his bottom lip, dragging it between his teeth, “Okay, then you can do it, but please, be careful.” 
As soon as he finished speaking, my mouth descended onto his, ravaging him. At first my magical well is greedy, wanting, but some little shocked part of myself forces it to slow. Taking the magic at a speed that’s acceptable and won’t hurt him, as he wanted. Our lips move together, and he moans against me, and a feeling of warmth settles low in my stomach. One of his hands hikes my leg up around his waist, while the other grips the back of my neck, holding me to his mouth. 
Whatever had it’s hold on me relinquishes it, and I fall limply into his chest, but he holds me aloft, taking control. Demetri explores my mouth with his tongue, taking all of me, pleasuring me in a way I’ve never experienced. My core throbs in response, and a pathetic mewling sound escapes me as I lean in, pressing my body as close as possible. All my soft spots press against all of his hard ones, and I gasp against his mouth, surprised by how aroused he is. 
I lose track of time, and we kiss for minutes, hours, days even. I’m not sure how long it lasts, but common sense comes back to me when my magical well fills completely. I’m kissing Demetri Valkyrie. With tongue. Horrified by that notion, I push away from him, violently. His shoulders slam against the lockers, and the sound echoes around the concrete room. Demetri looks dazed, aroused beyond reason, but still dazed. Like he doesn’t know what just happened. I bring both hands up to cover my mouth as disgust fills me as the realization that I just forced him into giving me his magic slammed into me. I’m disgusted with myself. 
“I’m so sorry,” I murmur, but it comes out breathy and wanting. So, not very convincing. 
His eyes seem to focus, and he looks at me. “What the hell just. .” He trails off, rubbing his swollen lips with two fingers, and damn me if I didn’t watch. 
Him doing that stirs the already worked up part of me into action again, and it begs me to step forward and finish what we started. Instead of doing that I step back, taking a deep breath. Now that my magical well is full, I can’t blame the crazed delphic mage side of me for wanting him. This is all me. It’s my desire, mine. Since when did I want to kiss the living daylights out of Demetri Valkyrie? Hell, if I’m being honest with myself I’ve wanted to kiss him ever since I saw him on orientation day. Our past stopped me, his annoying teasing stopped me, not a lack of desire. 
“God, I really am a monster. I’m a monster that can’t control herself,” I pause, looking up to find that he’s still looking at me through hooded eyes. “I’m a horny monster. And stop looking at me like that!” 
That seems to snap him out of whatever trance I put him in, and he laughs. “A horny monster? Well, why didn’t you say so? I can help with that.” 
He steps forward, reaching for me with a come hither grin. I step back against the opposite wall, making an X over chest to ward him off. My cheeks burn with embarrassment, so much so that I think I’ll burst into flames. I just told him that I’m a horny monster. What the hell is wrong with me? And why isn’t he more bothered by what just happened? Does he not realize what I did? 
Demetri places a hand on either side of my head, trapping me against the wall as I had done to him. “I’ll leave you alone today, but find me the next time you need a refill. I don’t want anyone else experiencing that with you but me.”
His words send a shiver of pleasure coursing down my spine, and I close my eyes just so I don’t kiss him again. Without waiting for my response he pushes off  of the wall and leaves the locker room. I slide down to the floor, my legs no longer able to hold me aloft. He didn’t even appear tired from the siphoning. And trust me, I took a lot of his magic. There’s no way I didn’t if my own magical well is this full. For the first time in my entire life I feel whole, and it’s all thanks to Demetri. But what I did was horrible, unforgivable. 
So why is he willing to do it again?"

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Hello, My name is Kaylin Peyerk and I've started this blog called Literary Dream.  I'm writing this post to welcome anyon...