Friday, February 14, 2020

RELEASE DAY: Arctic Prey (Wolf Shifters Book Two)


Happy Valentines Day and release day to Arctic Prey! This book is sure to knock your socks off with steamy romance, bitter bantering, and sinfully sexy males! Ashe is in a world of trouble when not only Varus creates sexual tension.

I've been captured and thrown in jail by the one person I thought I could trust. As it turns out, having a fated mate isn't all it's cracked up to be.

Ashe finds herself broken and bleeding in a jail cell deep beneath the academy. She finds her parents captured and captive with her, possibly having been here for the ten years she thought them to be dead. What's stranger is that a fae known as Octavius claims to know her future, and that it is extremely important to him. Octavius formulates a plan to break Ashe and her parents out of jail in order to start another shifter revolution. What's in it for him?

I will not be anyone's pawn. If they want to mess with me, they'll become prey.

Order Arctic Prey today!

Haven't read book one? Check out Arctic Hunter first!

Thanks for stopping by!


Kaylin Peyerk
Paranormal Romance Author

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Hello, My name is Kaylin Peyerk and I've started this blog called Literary Dream.  I'm writing this post to welcome anyon...