Thursday, July 7, 2022

Wolf Rejected—Omegaverse RH Suspense, Out Now!


My newest release is a bit different from what I usually publish, but I believe I've finally found my voice and truly love this book. This series is a slow burn, heavy on the plot of murder mystery and political intrigue, and written in the 3rd person perspective. It follows Jayden, a high-born omega who was happy to support her twin sister in her dream of marrying the three princes of Ellion—until it gets her killed. 

Because of this, Jayden is forced to take her twin's place as the next queen of Ellion, marrying the three royal triplets. She accepts this fate, but not without resistance. And in the meantime, under the cover of darkness, uses her true alpha power to hunt for her sister's murderer. This uncovers more than she bargained for and leads her on a wild goose chase. 

Who murdered her sister? 

Why did they do it? 

Who's plotting against the crown? 

Now that we're a week into my launch the book is over 60 reviews with 4.6 out of 5 stars on Amazon! I'm so grateful to my readers and everyone that's read this new title! It makes me tear up to read your kind words! Thank you all and don't hesitate to reach out personally with questions, suggestions, or your overall thoughts! I love talking to readers! 

Official Description:

True alphas are rare. . . And she is one.

A fact Jayden Yearwood has kept hidden since the night of her sister's death. The power had come seconds too late to save her beloved twin—seconds too late to save her. For the moment Alexius rasped her final breath, Jayden's fate had been sealed. If her sister could not become the next queen, the three princes demand Jayden take her place.

Because she’s also an omega, and omegas are meant to breed true alphas, not become them.

However, in the days that follow, Jayden can’t let the final words of her sister’s murderer go.

The princes will thank me for this.

Someone from the castle had her sister killed, and it will not go unpunished. In the shadows each night, Jayden slinks through Ellion with her new alpha power, looking for the person responsible for her sister’s murder. Yet, the more she uncovers, the more tangled the web becomes.

Now, she must find a way to be both the omega the world needs and the alpha she truly is. For the sake of her sister. For the sake of her family. Yet the princes make it incredibly hard. Pushing her buttons in all the wrong places. . . And sometimes the right ones.

Will she succeed in divulging the whole truth before the final mating ceremony?

Order Wolf Rejected NOW! 


Kaylin Peyerk

Paranormal Romance Author



Hello, My name is Kaylin Peyerk and I've started this blog called Literary Dream.  I'm writing this post to welcome anyon...